Welcome to the UbiSys Research Group!

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur

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List of Projects

Sl. no. Title Scope Requirements Floated for
1 Prakriti app Prakriti is an existing biodiversity knowledge archiving app. The current requirement of this project is to improve the existing interface and augment with real-time species identification Students with prior knowledge of AI/ML and app development UG 2019, 2020 CS/AI/EE/BB
2 UX designing This project requires designing user experience with respect to wargaming applications Student with a strong background in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, PHP UG 2019, 2020CS/AI/EE
3 Experimental study for wearable-based multimodal behavior analysis This requires conducting experiments related to user study for user behavioral analysis through passive mutimodal sensory data. Doing simple exercise in terms of simulating human activities (gestures, postures, behavioral signals) using wearables. Student with a strong background in AI/ML US 2019, 2020 CS/AI
4 Development of integrated IoT-web platform This requires integrating the sensing data generated from devices like smartwatches, smartphones or Rasberry Pi to web portal (which is existing). Devices will be provided for conducting the experiments Requires strong background in systems engineering, experience working with embedded platform UG 2019, 2020 CS/EE

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