Welcome to the course
Mobile and Pervasive Computing, (CSL 7460)!

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur



Paper Details

Project Details



  • When: Tues 6-7:30 PM, Sat 2-3 PM
  • Teaching Assistants: Mr. Garvit Chugh and Ms. Deepti Gupta
  1. Overview of Wireless Systems: Infrastructure-based vs Ad-hoc, Wireless LANs, Cellular systems, Sensor networks, Bluetooth, WiFi, WiMAX. (3 Lectures)
  2. Medium Access: Link Adaptation, Routing Protocols. (4 Lectures)
  3. Mobility and Handoff Management: Link layer mobility mechanisms (location management protocols), Network layer mobility mechanisms (Macro and Micro mobility protocols), Handoff management protocols. (6 Lectures)
  4. Cellular Networks: LTE and 5G overview, 5G Architecture, RAN and dynamic CRAN, Mobility management and Network slicing in 5G. (11 Lectures)
  5. Pervasive Computing: Principles, Characteristics, Pervasive devices, Smart sensors and actuators, Context communication and access services. (4 lectures)
  6. Context Aware Sensor Networks: Open protocols (SDP, Jini, SLP, UPnP), SyncML framework, Context aware mobile services, Context aware security. (4 lectures)
  7. Energy Efficiency, Localization (GPS/WiFi/GSM), Security (4 Lectures)
  8. Recent Advances in Wearable devices (3 Lectures)
  9. Body Area Networks (BAN) (3 Lectures)

Grading Policy

Assessment Percentage Description
Minor Project 25% Using Android programming to build up a small-scale mobile application. Requires team work, periodic progress review and final presentation/demo with report submission. Same project used for some other course will not be accepted
Minors 20% Minor Exams conducted during the semester
Presentation 20% Based on the Paper selected
Class Participation 10% Interactions in the classroom
Endsem Exam 25% Final Examination


Resource Type Resource Title Links
Textbooks I. STOJMENOVIC (2002), Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Wiley.
Textbooks S. LOKE (2006), Context-aware Pervasive Systems: Architectures for a New Breed of Applications, CRC Press.
Textbooks A. OSSEIRAN, J.F. MONSERRAT, P. MARSCH, (Eds.), 5G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Reference Books R. KAMAL (2008), Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition.
Reference Books L. MERK, M. NICLOUS (2006), Principles of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Dreamtech Press, 2nd Edition.
Reference Books G. AGGELOU (2004), Mobile Ad hoc Networks: From Wireless LANs to 4G Networks, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Self-learning Material J.J. DRAKE, Z. LANIER, C. MULLINER, P.O. FORA, S.A. RIDLEY, G. WICHERSKI (2014), Android Hacker's Handbook, John Wiley, 1st Edition.
Self-learning Material P. SINGH, NPTEL, IIIT Delhi: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106147/
Self-learning Material Relevant research papers from MobiSys, Sensys, MC2R, MobiCom and UbiComp.

Lecture Plan

Sl no. Topic Lecture hrs.
1 Introduction to Course, Pervasive and Mobile computing 2
2 Overview of wireless systems 3
3 Mobility and handoff management 3
4 Cellular networks 4
5 Introduction to WSN, MAC and routing protocols 6
6 Context awareness 5
7 Service discovery protocols 2
8 Location systems 6
9 Energy efficiency 2
10 Recent advancements in BAN, wearable computing 4
11 Privacy and security 3

Papers to Discuss

Topic Paper
Communication Achieve Simultaneous Screen-Human Viewing and Hidden Screen-Camera Communication, MobiSys 2015
Real-Time Screen-Camera Communication Behind Any Scene, MobiSys 2015
Messages Behind the Sound: Real-Time Hidden Acoustic Signal Capture with Smartphones. Mobicom 2016
Kaleido: You Can Watch It But Cannot Record It. Mobicom 2015
Localization No Need to War-Drive: Unsupervised Indoor Localization, MobiSys 2012
Zee: Zero-Effort Crowdsourcing for Indoor Localization, MobiCom 2012
I am a Smartphone and I can Tell my User's Walking Direction, MobiSys 2014
COIN-GPS: Indoor Localization from Direct GPS Receiving, MobiSys 2014
See Through Walls with Wi-Fi, SIGCOMM 2013
TransLoc: transparent indoor localization with uncertain human participation for instant delivery, Mobicom 2020
Dynamic-MUSIC: Accurate Device-Free Indoor Localization. Ubicomp 2016
LiTell: Robust Indoor Localization Using Unmodified Light Fixtures. Mobicom 2016
Smartphone-based indoor localization with bluetooth low energy beacons. Sensors 2016
Context awareness CAreDroid: Adaptation Framework for Android ContextAware Applications, MobiCom 2015
Automatic Content Rating via Reaction Sensing, UbiComp 2013
MoodScope: Building a Mood Sensor from Phone Usage Patterns, MobiSys 2013
ACE: Exploiting Correlation for Energy-Efficient and Continuous Context Sensing, MobiSys 2012
Energy Optimizing Smartphone Power Consumption through Dynamic Resolution Scaling, MobiCom 2015
Smartphone Background Activities in the Wild: Origin, Energy Drain, and Optimization, MobiCom 2015
security Monitoring Building Events using Barometer Sensors, UbiComp 2015
PowerSpy: Location Tracking using Mobile Device Power Analysis, USENIX Security 2015
MoLe: Motion Leaks through Smartwatches, MobiCom 2015
GyroPhone: Recognizing Speech from Gyroscope Signals, USENIX Security 2014
Sniffing visible light communication through walls, Mobicom 2020
Wearables and BAN I am a Smartwatch and I can Track my User’s Arm, MobiSys 2016
RisQ: Recognizing Smoking Gestures with Inertial Sensors on a Wristband, MobiSys 2014
Capturing the Human Figure Through a Wall, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015
EagleEye: wearable camera-based person identification in crowded urban spaces Mobicom 2020
EarSense: earphones as a teeth activity sensor, Mobicom 2020
Hips do lie! a position-aware mobile fall detection system. Percom 2018
Cognitive Load Detection from Wrist-Band Sensors. Ubicomp 2020
Itchy Nose: Discreet Gesture Interaction using EOG Sensors in Smart Eyewear. ISWC 2017