Using Tidyverse for Genomics

This workshop will present how to analyze & visualize processed genomics data. This workshop will be divided in 5 parts: Part 1: Getting started w/ readr Part 2: Reshaping data w/ tidyr Part 3: Data wrangling w/ dplyr Part 4: Visualizing tidy data …

MolEvolvR: a web-app for molecular evolution and phylogeny

We will discuss the alpha version of their new easy-to-use interactive webapp: MolEvolvR, for characterizing proteins using molecular evolution and phylogeny. We will begin by demonstrating the power of MolEvolvR using the panbacterial stress response system, PSP (phage shock protein), as an example. Then, we will anyone can use this app to study their protein(s) of interest. PSP app: jravilab.shinyapps.io/psp-evolution (bioRxiv 2020) MolEvolvR app: jravilab.org/molevolvr (currently, alpha-version)

RLEL Workshop on RMarkdown & Reproducible Research

RLEL Workshop on DataViz 2.0

Tidyverse for Genomics

Using Tidyverse for Genomics workshop

Tidyverse workshop

Useful Resources

A lazy mixed post: #academic #bioinformatics #r #blog

R-Ladies East Lansing | Workshop on Intro to Tidy Data w/ R

R-Ladies East Lansing | Workshop on Intro to Data Visualization w/ R