Currently a software engineer at Amazon Inc (since 2022).
One of 38 students who got a 4.0 during their Bachelors at MSU!
Honors College; Dean’s List throughout
Michigan State Scholarship
NSF-funded REU-ACRES Summer Scholarship, 2020
Honorable mention for poster at the International conference, ISMB 2020.
BEACON seminar (Mar ‘21)
University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) (Apr ‘21)
BEACON Congress (Aug ‘20)
Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference (May ‘21)
Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research Experience (Aug ‘20)
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, ISMB 2020, International Society for Computational Biology flagship conference (Jul ‘20)
Burke JT*, Chen SZ*, Sosinski LM*, Johnston JB, Ravi J. MolEvolvR: An molecular evolution and phylogeny web-app to characterize proteins. In preparation.
Webapp* Co-primary authors.
Ravi J, Anantharaman V, Chen SZ, Datta, P, Aravind L, Gennaro ML. Phage-shock-protein (Psp) Envelope Stress Response: Evolutionary History & Discovery of Novel Players.
bioRxiv 2020 |